Games List
The COVID-19 Handshake

As players mingle around the playspace and greet each other with their newly invented COVID-19 handshakes (no touching allowed!), a murderer is amongst them killing players with a secret wink. At least two other players must identify the killer by pointing to the same suspect. Can players guess the killer before it’s too late? A play on Bernie de Koven’s J’Accuse but without the actual handshake.
Tape Statues

A combination of the games Statues, Touch Colour, and What’s the Time, Mr Wolf?, players have to reach the other end of the playspace by freezing like statues on the right coloured tapes when the Curator turns around. If the Curator catches a player moving, they have to restart from the beginning. The first player to step on the tapes circling the Curator wins.
Mimic Me Foursquare

In Mimic Me Foursquare, players battle it out Foursquare-style, but rather than hitting the ball to one another, players challenge each other in a four-player memory game of body actions and poses. Can players remember the increasingly longer sequences, and correctly mimic each other? Who will be the King of the Squares?
Distant Whispers

Chinese Whispers or Broken Telephone but with social distancing, players split into two teams and try to pass a secret message along the line in a distant whisper. The catch? Players must sit 1.5m apart and wear a mask. Will the other team intentionally disrupt the message with noise, or silently intercept it to score a win? The team with the most accurate or funniest message at the end wins.
Verbal Tunnelball

Rather than passing a ball down the line like in a traditional game of Tunnelball, players have to memorise and pass special verbal cues instead: Bong-Zip!, Ping-Zap!, and Slish-Bop! Players have to be fast but also accurate. When the final player finishes their verbal cue, they run to the front of the line and the game repeats. The quickest team to rotate through all players win!
Museum of the Replicas

In this strange museum of living statues, only one Statue is the genuine artwork. The rest are Replicas. A player is chosen to be the Curator. As the Curator closes their eyes, the surrounding players nominate a player to be the Statue. The Statue strikes a pose and all other Replicas imitate. As the Curator looks around, the Statue can sneakily change their pose with the Replicas following suit. Can the eagle-eyed Curator identify the original from the forgeries?
One Step at a Time

A variation of the game British Bulldog, except as a turn-based strategy game where bulldogs and players take turns making moves across the playspace like a giant board game. Every move counts, and one wrong turn can mean landing on a tape next to a bulldog. Can players reach the other end of the field, one step at a time, without getting caught?
Tape Sequencer

A collaborative Simon-like memory game between two teams of players. Alternating between the two teams, each team member either squats, stands, or jumps – making a silly noise as they do so. The opposite team repeats the sequence like a musical sequencer, while adding one more move to the musical phrase. The sequence ricochets from end to end until a team member forgets a move.